Cleaning and Screening
Cleaning is performed to remove foreign objects from raw materials. Pre-cleaners such as magnets and drum screens are used to protect plant equipment. It is applied immediately in feed mills.
Vibrating Sieve
Vibrating Sieve
This device uses vibratory motion to separate particles according to their size. Vibro sieving offers an effective method for the separation, classification and purification of fine and coarse materials.
ReviewPolygon Sieve
Polygon Sieve
These types of sieves, usually with a polygonal (polygon) shaped structure, are used to separate materials according to their size. Polygon sieves provide efficient classification and purification of particles.
ReviewTube Magnet
Tube Magnet
It is one of the important equipment used to remove metal contamination from feed raw materials.
ReviewZ Magnet
Z Magnet
It is a special magnetic separation device used in feed production plants and other industrial applications.